Thursday 11 February 2010

This is us 2010

"Thank you for the 17 years of support"
from BSB This Is Us Kobe Tour, 9th Feb 2010.

17 years.
I wonder how they had succeeded their years, and how will they counter their years to come.
Guess i somehow succeeded my ...+8 yrs, but how am i going to face my upcoming years.
How do people managed to stay on the path to their dreams.
We say the secrets to success are hard work and determination.
I agree, but if something really depends only on hard work, most of us will eventually give up and quit our desired life dreams at some point or another.Even me.
Wauu, that was hard thinking! Off for now...
Guess what I should or can do now is focus and visualize my dreams and keep my motivation up! im not sure bout you guys but I'd rather keep dreaming and achieve my goals and have fun doing it! above all!
I think this is what he's been doing all these while! My favourite 'he':)

The actual main point of this post-BSBs great!
my first time attending a live concert, happened to be the BSB's..
my first time acknowledging their existence, and...
i definitely find them gorgeous and their songs great!
kinda still having this BSB fever!
to my lovely live companions fiqah n ashfa, hugs!
Last and most of all ty to the VIP seats!!